
The Bulgarian NMR Centre provides research expertise and service analyses to academic and research institutions in the country and the region, as well as to industrial users and State institutions.

General requirements for NMR service analyses

The Bulgarian NMR Centre at the Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry is equipped with four NMR spectrometers, covering a broad range of NMR analyses in liquid, semi-solid (soft) and solid phase.

The routine service analyses in liquid phase are performed on the Bruker AVNEO 400 spectrometer using automatic sample changer. More information about the requirements, sample preparation and type of NMR spectra for service analyses in liquid state you can find here.

The routine service analyses of solid and semi-solid samples are performed on the Bruker Avance III HD 600 NMR spectrometer with 4mm dedicated probeheads. More information about the requirements, sample preparation and type of NMR spectra for service analyses of solid and semi-solid samples you can find here.

First time customers need to contact the laboratory by e-mail for registration and for receiving a user name and password to access the NMR service platform. After the registration you will have access to the electronic submission platform of the Bulgarian NMR Centre (

The service analyses in liquid state are requested ONLY via the electronic submission platform by submitting a separate electronic request form for each sample. Please fill all the requested information in the electronic request form!

When completing the request form, please assign a unique individual code to each sample (sample name) by using only Latin letters, numbers, hyphens and underscore. DO NOT USE Cyrillic fonts and/or special characters (e.g. ‘ ; . , / \ ” ). Incomplete or incorrectly completed requests, as well as requests with a duplicate code, will not be accepted.

The price of the NMR services is calculated on the basis of the actual measuring time used for the measurement at a basic rate of 177.38 BGN/hour (excluding VAT) according to the price list approved by the scientific council of IOCCP-BAS (February 2023). For R&D projects with public funding a reduced rate of 78 BGN/hour is applied if the samples are provided by the customer in ready to be measured form (dissolved in customer’s own appropriate deuterated solvent and transferred in customer’s own NMR tube).

All spectra are provided in Bruker’s proprietary raw format. The users can download the NMR spectra from their institutional directories on the NMR server via ftp-protocol. Additional services (sample preparation, special processing, plotting of the NMR spectra, etc.) as well as research expertise for analysis and interpretation of the spectra, analytical protocols in Bulgarian and/or English language are provided on request.

For questions related to the service analyses, please contact the Bulgarian NMR Centre at the following e-mail: