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Development and application of advanced NMR approaches:
Liquid phase NMR spectroscopy:
- Structural analysis and stereochemistry of synthetic organic compounds
- Molecular mobility – classical dynamic NMR for the investigation of tautomeric and conformational equilibria
- Diffusion NMR spectroscopy – investigation of supramolecular complexes, processes of self-aggregation, particle size determination in colloidal systems, analysis of complex mixtures
- Chemical profiling and metabolic analysis of extracts of plant origin
- Analysis of food and natural products
- NMR spectroscopy with in situ irradiation
Solid state NMR spectroscopy
- Structure of mesoporous silicates and zeolites
- Organic-inorganic hybrid materials
NMR spectroscopy of soft materials
- Polymeric (hydro)gels
- Extracts of medicinal and aromatic plants
NMR methodology