Project: BG05M2OP001-1.002-0012-C01
Bruker AVANCE NEO 600 MHz NMR spectrometer
- Magnet System Ascend™ 600 MHz / 54 mm (14.09 T)
- 3 RF channels
- 5 mm BBO CryoProbe Prodigy (BB-H&F-D) with N2 cooled electronics, z-gradient (60 G/cm at the probe), temp range: -40°C ¸ +150°C. Enhanced sensitivity for both 1H and X nuclei, for analysis of low concentration samples.
- 5 mm iTBO triple resonance broadband probehead (BBF/H/F/D) with capacity for simultaneous 1H and 19F decoupling of X nuclei, z-gradient (50 G/cm at the probe), temp range: -150°C ¸ +150° Particularly suitable for the analysis of fluorinated compounds in pharmaceutical, polymer and biological research.
- Automated tuning & matching (ATM) for both probeheads
- Gradient control unit and 10A gradient amplifier
- Temperature control system (BSVT) and BCU-II cooling unit, VT measurements: -170°C ¸ +250°C
- Automatic sample changer SampleCase Plus for 60 samples
- Home made module for in situ irradiation of the samples inside the NMR spectrometer
- Multidimentional NMR experiments for investigation of liquid state samples with various research applications including metabolomics, pharmaceuticals, natural products research, complex mixtures, biomolecules, molecular structure and interactions, photosensitive reactions, etc.
Project: BG05M2OP001-1.002-0012-C01
Bruker AVANCE NEO 400 MHz NMR spectrometer
- Magnet System Ascend™ 400 MHz / 54 mm (9.4 T)
- 3 RF channels
- 5 mm iTBO triple resonance broadband probehead (BBF/H/F/D) with capacity for simultaneous 1H and 19F decoupling of heteronuclei, z-gradient (50 G/cm at the probe), temp range: -150°C +150°C.
- 5 mm iProbe BBFO BBF/1H (Smart Probe), for direct and indirect detection experiments, broadband channel tunable from 15N to 19F.
- Automated tuning & matching (ATM) for both probes
- Gradient control unit and 10A gradient amplifier
- Temperature control system (BSVT) and BCU-I cooling unit, VT measurements: -170°C ¸ +250°C
- Automatic sample changer SampleCase for 24 samples
- For routine high throughput measurements in liquid state
- Service analyses for academic and industrial users
- Education and teaching of junior researchers and students
Project: BG05M2OP001-1.001-0008-C01
Bruker Avance III HD 600 MHz spectrometer
- UltrashieldTM magnet D 262/54 (09 T).
Solid state NMR equipment:
- Solid state 4mm iProbe CPMAS DR-H&F VTN – (latest generation), MAS 15 kHz, frequency range: 1H, 19F and X-nuclei 31P to 15N, with automatic tuning&matching, and automatic magic angle adjustment; temp. range: -80°C ¸ +200°C;
Applications: wide range of applications in materials research (organic solids, pharmaceuticals, catalysts etc.), in automated workflow
- Solid state 1.3 mm CPMAS (X/F-H DVT) double resonance probehead, frequency range: 1H, 19F and X-nuclei from 31P to 15N; MAS speed up to 67 kHz; temp range: -30°C ¸ +70°C;
Applications: suitable for NMR study of reasonably sensitive nuclei with large chemical shift anisotropies or quadrupole broadenings that can be averaged under fast MAS (23Na, 27Al, etc.)
- MAS III unit
NMR equipment for investigation of soft and semisolid materials:
- 5 mm Broadband Diffusion Probe (DIFF-DR-BB/1H&19F-D-Z-5mm), frequency range: 1H, 19F and X-nuclei 31P to 15N, temp range: -40°C ¸ +150°C; high gradient amplifier (60 A) and z-gradients of 1700 G/cm at the probe;
Applications: suitable for investigation of molecular transport phenomena (translational diffusion) in complex colloid systems with large particles and high viscosity;
- 4mm triple resonance 1H/13C/31P high resolution magic angle spinning (15 kHz) probehead (HR-MAS) with gradients along the magic angle (50 G/cm at the probe), temp range: -20°C ¸ 80°C;
Applications: for investigation of polymeric (hydro)gels, semi-solid samples and phenomena at solid-liquid interfaces
Liquid phase NMR equipment:
- 5 mm direct dual probehead (BBO) 31P – 109Ag/1H, with actively shielded Z-gradients and automatic tuning and matching accessory (ATMA).
- Automatic sample changer B-ACS for 60 samples.
- Temperature control unit – B-VT 3000 with temperature range 150 ¸ 390 K
- 5 mm inverse triple probehead (TBI) 1H/31P – 109Ag/13C with actively shielded Z-gradients
- Home made module for in situ irradiation of the samples inside the NMR spectrometer
Applications: for structural analysis and stereochemistry of synthetic organic compounds, investigation of tautomeric and conformational equilibria, chemical profiling and metabolic analysis of food and natural products
Bruker Avance DRX 250
- Magnet 131/52 (87T).
- Two radio frequency channels with liner amplifier BLAXH40.
- 5 mm direct dual probehead (BBO) 31Р – 109Ag/1H with actively shielded Z-gradients.
- 5 mm quattro probehead (QNP) 1Н, 13С, 31Р, 19F with actively shielded Z-gradients.
- 5 mm dual probeheads 1H/13
- 10 mm direct broadband probeheads 31Р – 15N/1
- 10 mm direct broadband probeheads 15N – 109Ag/1
- Gradient unit GRASPII (10A).
- Automatic sample changer Sample Xpress for 60 samples.
- Temperature unit – B-VT 2000 with temperature range 170 ¸ 450 K.